PGR Core Language Skills: Writing Purposefully Workshop

Course Code

Course has already taken place


Jane Brearley,Jayne Barnes

This workshop is primarily designed to support
international PGRs in the early stages of their PhD who want to clarify
the role of editing and proofreading in their writing.

Pre-requisites: Early-stage PGRs interested in considering some of the
basic purposes and practices of academic writing.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 10:00 to 12:00

Max Places:

In this workshop you will consider ideas around writing purposefully in
academic life: what types of texts we write, why we write, who we write
for, and how we are expected to present this writing.  You will become
more aware of the expectations of academic readers and how you can
develop better writer-reader relationships.  To explore principles of
writing purposefully, which are the same for all writing – from texting
friends to producing academic dissertations – you will work on writing
emails.  This will also give you the opportunity to improve this key
academic skill.