Taking numerical tests - basic

Course Code

Course has already taken place



Suitable for all taught students, specifically those with no or limited
experience of numerical testing.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018, 10:30 to 12:00

Max Places:

Many graduate employers use a range of psychometric tests as part of
their recruitment process and some students find the numerical reasoning
papers particularly difficult. The purpose of this workshop is to
practice the key numerical skills required to pass these tests
successfully, and to highlight the areas where you need further

We initially consider the format of numerical tests, and give a few
quick tips to help improve your general performance. We will then review
your knowledge of the key mathematical techniques needed when taking
numerical tests; we will do this by asking you to attempt some practice
questions on various topics. These questions will be basic, and the
topics will include:
• Working with percentages, decimals and fractions; and converting
between the three.
• Working with ratios.
• Working with averages (mean, median and mode).
• Data interpretation; working with tables and charts.
• Understanding sequences; spotting the pattern.

We will finish by reviewing the answers to these questions.

This workshop will cover:
• An introduction to the numerical tests some employers use as part
of their recruitment.
• Considering the different types of test format and questions.
• Practising the basic numerical techniques required to answer the

Please note that this workshop is specifically for those who have no
experience of numerical tests and would like to begin with practising
basic techniques and questions.

Location: Teaching Room 1, Level 1, Laidlaw Library