NHS Ethical Approval Process

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For PGR Students in the Faculties of Medicine and Health and Biological
Sciences ONLY

Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 10:00 to 12:00

Max Places:


How to find your way through NHS ethics and governance

This session will guide you through the steps to obtaining permission to
carry out your research project within the NHS. We will work through an
ethics application, considering the steps required, including
sponsorship review and approval, demonstrating where guidance and advice
can be found and highlighting tips and hints based on our experience. We
will talk through NHS governance processes their purpose, including SSI
forms and how to manage NHS governance where NHS ethical review is not
required. We will provide an overview of the research passport system,
why it was introduced and who needs to access it. We will have time
available for questions and comments so bring your burning issue or
experience you wish to share.