Ethics and Ethical Review

Course Code

Course has already taken place



Academic staff and PGRs wishing to increase their knowledge and
understanding of compliance with the University requirements for ethical
approval, and increase their knowledge and understanding of a range of
ethical issues that arise within research.

Monday, October 28, 2013, 10:00 to 12:00

Max Places:

This course aims to increase the knowledge and understanding of the
University requirements for ethical approval, and give some guidance as
to what Committees look at in applications. The course will be a mixture
of interactive lecture and group work.

Participants will better understand how the University deals with
ethical review applications and be better equipped to handle ethical
issues within their area of work. They will also have the opportunity to
share experiences and identify sources of support and guidance.

Feedback from previous participants:
“the major strength of this workshop was its focus on thinking
critically about ethical issues in specific, applied contexts. I found
this focus to be extremely useful and thought provoking as it brought
the complexities of working in an ethical manner to life.”

“Before attending this workshop I felt that I had a sound understanding
of ethical issues related to research conduct; this workshop managed to
provide me with knowledge that I did not possess.”

“As a researcher, I felt that I needed to review, refresh and increase
my working knowledge of ethical issues, so that I might ensure my work
practices are in line with the standards that are expected within such a
“The presentation gave me ideas on how to further my consideration of
ethics in my work”.

Related courses: ethical review drop-in session, online materials on
informed consent and research ethics, research with human participants.